Photographs by Jose Luis Torres
Happy 4th of July to everybody from the Catholic War Veterans of Weslaco, Texas. During the eve of the 3rd of July during Bingo the CWV celebrated and gave thanks to the Lord for another birthday celebrated by our great country, The United States of America. The CWV members ate cake and partook with the Bingo participants. Everybody gave thanks. Let us never forget the sacrifices our veterans made when they heard the call of our great nation to bear arms. When duty called they answered. Our present day active military continue to answer the call. Let us support them, honor them and help them in any way we can. Let them know we care, that we appreciate them and that we will never forget what they do for our great country. God bless them and keep them safe in their never ending battle to protect our democracy and our way of life. |
Everybody, ring the bells of Freedom this 4th of July. We are all individuals but if we act as one in the name of Freedom we become invincible! God bless America and all it stands for! |