Sunday, October 6, 2013


(Photographs & captions by Jose Luis Torres CWV Historian)

Mr Noe Cavazos, past Post 770 Commander opened  installation of officers ceremony.

State Commander Robert Garza officiated the ceremony for installation of officers.
David Silva Mission CWV Post Commander and 1st Vice Commander for the state of Texas helped in the officiating.
Officer Of The Day Leonel Hinojosa presenting all officers for oath and swearing in.
Photograph by Sylvia Torres)
Swearing in of officers; (L-R) Juan Valderas - Officer Of The Day, Jose Luis Torres - Historian, Noe Cavazos - Member, Isaac Vallejo - Member, Luis Garcia - 2 Year Trustee, Alberto Cavazos - 1 Year Trustee, Rene Silva - Welfare Officer, Manuel Lopez - Treasurer, Olby Hughes - Adjutant, Pete Salazar - 3rd Vice Commander, Baltazar Garcia - 2nd Vice Commander, Jose Sauceda - 1st Vice Commander, Richard Lopez - Commander.
(Photograph by Sylvia Torres)
Rene Silva - Welfare Officer
Manuel Lopez - Treasurer
Olby Hughes - Adjutant
Pete Salazar - 3rd Vice Commander
Baltazar Garcia - 2nd Vice Commander
Jose Sauceda - 1st Vice Commander
Richard Lopez - Commander
Dinner line after ceremony.
Enjoying their food, CWV members Joe Guerrero, Manuel Lopez, Noe Cavazos and their guests.
(L-R) CWV members Jose Sauceda, Luis Garcia and their guests.
CWV members Isaac Vallejo, Pete Salazar and their guests.
CWV member Baltazar Garcia - and guests.
CWV members (F-B) Rene Silva, Leonel Hinojosa, Richard Lopez, Albert Cavazos and guests.
CWV member Albert Cavazos on the left, on the right Richard Lopez, Leonel Hinojosa, Rene Silva and their guests.
CWV members (L-R) Andy Esquivel, Juan Valderas and guests.
CWV invited guests (L-R-F) David Silva - State 1st Vice Commander, Robert Garza - State Commander, Manuel Tanguma - past National Commander and wife, Arturo Longoria - State Judge Advocate and wife.
CWV member Olby Hughes and guests.
CWV member Jose Luis Torres and wife.
(Photograph by Pete Salazar)
Food prepared by CWV great kitchen staff!
Laurent Seawell - Town Crier photographer.